This is a personal story. But I have also spoken to a lot of people enough to know I’m not alone in the boat. That’s why I’m sharing my personal story. To help at least one person out there. When I joined PwC a few years ago, it was only a matter of time before […]
My steps have been ordered to discover some secrets of the universe. I have applied them, watched others apply them and I have seen them always work. Well, they aren’t much of a secret because they all lie in plain sight. A lot of people struggle with the question of what they should do. I […]
Before we talk about how you can become the kind of person people are glad to know, let’s talk about something else. Do you know anyone right now and you consider it a blessing to know that person? Why would you consider it so? Probably because the person is helpful to you.Probably because the person […]
The first time I heard about this idea was from a Ted talk titled “the paradox of choice“. Over the years, I’ve observed the idea to be not only true but also permeating. I’ve been meaning to work on a project now but not even started it let alone complete it. Why? Because I have […]

I wrote here without any doubt that the future that is possible is that given the right regulatory environment, every organisation that can, will offer their version of Stablecoins. It is not difficult to foresee this outcome. The infrastructure of Stablecoin works is scalable and accessible to a wider audience. Therefore introducing new dynamics to […]

You can’t blackmail God with anything. Not with your fasting, or with your tears or with your loud voice. None! None is enough to blackmail to act according to your wishes. God only responds to data. Yes, DATA. Did you sow? Then you can reap. Did you harvest? Then you can eat. Are you diligent? […]

I have been spending an inordinate amount of time reading about the payment and the banking industry. You might have noticed that in what I have been sharing. When Satoshi launched Bitcoin after the financial crisis, he labelled it as a fix for the inefficient system that existed then and persists till today. What I […]

I shared 5 important lessons of the year in the last newsletter. I left one out which I will quickly talk about now. Never self-reject. Never!!! And I am guilty of this just as much as any other person might. But I’ve learnt to take leaps despite my feeling of “not enough”. Let me remind […]

Cryptocurrency is nascent and hot at the moment. I expect the hotness to continue for another 10 years at the minimum. Within these 10 years, great wealth will be made by those who understand the trend and play along or those who just got lucky. That’s one part of the story of the next 10 […]

As I got my offer letter to join PwC in 2018, one of the first things that came to my mind was how to grow my network within the firm. Because as we would later be told, PwC is a congregation of the best and brightest. So I couldn’t get it off my mind thinking […]