I giggle a lot and almost could see through anyone’s depth of interest at a glance by asking two simple questions. How long have you been interested? Since you are interested in this for this long period of time, what have you done regarding your interest? By anyone’s answer to this question, I could almost […]
Permission sounds good and the rhetoric behind it, plus the idea of perception management in a given environment may push you to favour permission above forgiveness. Permission says, get their opinion before you break the rule to follow your passion. Forgiveness says, break the rules, and if need be, in the end, ask for permission. […]
Over the period in the history of humankind and its development, the desire to be outstanding in terms of achievement, success and discovery has haunted men like a hunter hunts its prey. Yet, standing out remains a puzzle to a lot, a puzzle that is difficult to solve. This puzzle and the desire to provide […]
This flag, Our Anthem, Our Pledge… Together, they would have been our pride. Unfortunately, it’s our greatest misery, a necessary evil that we the youth seek constantly and vehemently to be dissociated from. Our waking thoughts, dreams and aspirations are to escape the quagmire that has befallen the country. We dream of another land, another […]
I receive newsletters from James Clear weekly. This week’s edition is too compelling not to amplify his thought. He said: “Optimists win in the long-run because their miscalculation of how long it will take or how likely it is to succeed motivates them to give it a try. If you knew how hard it would be and […]
Statistically, when a population is normally distributed, 99.7% of the population surrounds the mean with a dispersion of 3 standard deviations. Let me break that down in layman’s terms. Given a population of 100, and say an average age of 30, if the distribution of the population looks like that of a bell shape, then […]
Every day of our life, as we move around, and interact with people, we conduct one form of negotiation or the other. Negotiation is such an integral part of our life that we have even failed to realize we are engaged in it on a continuum – while boarding a bus, while buying at the […]
“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. […]
I have had conversations with several people looking for a job, looking to make a career change, looking to make the next pivot in their life and many more of the similar divide, one thing is common to the majority – they do not know what to do. Victim of Exposure (VoE) What does it […]
Investing in the equity market is as seamless as saying buy/sell this for me. The real work lies behind the call to buy/sell. Why did you sell or buy or hold? What were your considerations? Your strategy? Behind every buy/sell order lies 4 fundamental things. Liquidity consideration, Profitability consideration, Overall Company Financial Health consideration and […]