
Optimize For Advantages

Things that exposes you to unfair advantages I am fond of saying, Optimize for advantages. Ensure those advantages are such that can compound. Optimize obsessively for such advantages. And Your advantage is best if it is domain agnostics. So here’s what I mean by all of that. Advantages are things that you acquire, develop or […]


You Can Choose Wealth

The appearances of wealth is not wealth. You have to define what wealth is for you. Your definition should put into context the idea of local and global maxima Remember that “desire is a contact you make with yourself not to be happy” ~ Naval Ravikant Appearance Of Wealth Is Not Wealth I recently posted one of […]


I Met Someone With High Agency

When you are told impossible, is that the end of the conversation with you or the beginning of iterations? What I am writing about is on someone’s attitude on my timeline, whose name I will keep here but expose to him because I want to both celebrate him and also let him understand he has […]


How Do You Make Decisions?

The art of exposing yourself to potentially unlimited upside bets in life I want to share a thing with you in this piece that may guide your next couple years. It has guided mine so far as well. So please enjoy the read. Decision making A few years ago when I was preparing for my […]



What will your catalyst be and where will it lead you? There’s been some noticeable catalyst in my journey as an individual. A few years ago, I was often fond of giving the illustration below: “An object of adequate weight falling from the sky will continue to fall until a factor outside of that object […]


Short Nigeria, Never Long It

What has become of the dream country, the giant of Africa? We were having a usual conversation in one of the most cherished groups I belong to on WhatsApp recently. The conversation at this time was about the transportation industry, diving into electric cars, autonomous cars, and all that’s between that. You can guess we […]