Being practical about money issue is a virtue I’ve so much learn from Morgan Housel. So here’s another one point from experience, observation and study. It is very difficult and constitute extra work to track all your day to day expenses. A practical way to manage that is to save before spending. Spend the remainder and […]
How Attending Deeper Life Campus Fellowship Changed The Trajectory Of My Life God bless the day I picked up the first book to ever read. Whatever was in that book (which I can’t remember), and whatever spirit was behind that book, I must say that the fire it kindled from then has become a forest. […]
All life is existing to answer a question even when such is not obvious. Some of us will choose the question to answer, some of us will stumble on it and some will never know or care to know. Tell me what question? A long time ago when I had zero clues about life and […]

Path To Wisdom I’ve come to like birthdays because it gives yet another poignant opportunity to number your days. The house that mourns teaches more wisdom than the one that merry. Because we get the opportunity to number our days on birthdays, we are offered the opportunity both to merry and to get wiser (Now […]
I was recently asked the question “How can I ensure that I am in the right place at the right time?” by a friend. The question was an offshoot of the tweet below: Immediately after the question, I asked myself have I been lucky? If yes, did I do anything to influence that? As soon as I […]
How not having enough option can be leveraged for your advantage. Being without option I like having options and I believe I have benefited immensely from having different options. However, not having an option or having a finite and near-zero option has also been a great blessing to me. Being without option might seem terrifying […]

I giggle a lot and almost could see through anyone’s depth of interest at a glance by asking two simple questions. How long have you been interested? Since you are interested in this for this long period of time, what have you done regarding your interest? By anyone’s answer to this question, I could almost […]
Permission sounds good and the rhetoric behind it, plus the idea of perception management in a given environment may push you to favour permission above forgiveness. Permission says, get their opinion before you break the rule to follow your passion. Forgiveness says, break the rules, and if need be, in the end, ask for permission. […]
Over the period in the history of humankind and its development, the desire to be outstanding in terms of achievement, success and discovery has haunted men like a hunter hunts its prey. Yet, standing out remains a puzzle to a lot, a puzzle that is difficult to solve. This puzzle and the desire to provide […]
This flag, Our Anthem, Our Pledge… Together, they would have been our pride. Unfortunately, it’s our greatest misery, a necessary evil that we the youth seek constantly and vehemently to be dissociated from. Our waking thoughts, dreams and aspirations are to escape the quagmire that has befallen the country. We dream of another land, another […]