
The Real Labour of Thinking

“There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labour of thinking.” – Robert Beno Cialdini That’s the quote that has got me thinking since yesterday. So there’s a labour of thinking? And human will go to all extent to avoid that labour. Why? When was last time you […]


Writing Aids Understanding

Many times we encounter knowledge that is alien to our brain, hence, difficult to understand. In this article, I shared how writing has helped me in understanding such alien knowledge. Have you read an article or a book before and can’t seem to make sense of it because you couldn’t understand what the article or […]


Developing A Mind Without Boundary

We were thought to think with boundaries, yet the world as we have it and the kind of problems we will face are not aware of any boundaries. “Reality does not divide itself into disciplines – physics, biology, psychology…Disciplines are a human endeavour to divide reality into bite-sized, digestible chunks. Experience has no boundaries. It […]


It’s Not Always Winning

Life is full ups and downs, but the Instagram culture that has taken this world by storm will have us believe it’s always about winning because winning is the only thing that makes it to instagram. Here’s a part of my story you don’t hear often but it’s always great to hear them. Everyday and […]